Keep These Things in Mind When Thinking of Kitchen Remodeling in Canton, MI

by | Mar 4, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

Kitchen remodeling may seem like it’s all a matter of aesthetics, but according to Olson Cement Work & Construction, there is quite a bit of science to designing a space that makes cooking and other kitchen work easy. Many of these considerations have to do with the amount of room needed for ease of use. For example, they say that work aisles should be at least 42″ wide and that the space between the sink, refrigerator, and stove should be no bigger than 26′. In kitchens that have these points in a roughly triangular pattern, the shortest side should be no shorter than 4′. Browse website for more details.

While most people know how annoying it is to have to work in a tiny kitchen, many don’t give much consideration to the height of the counters. Alas, this height is very important. If the counters are too short, you’ll end up leaning uncomfortably to prepare your food or wash dishes by hand. On the other hand, overly tall counters can result in a need to make awkward reaches. Therefore, you should make sure to choose a counter height based on your own size when you embark on kitchen remodeling Canton.

Other kitchen remodeling experts have their own preferences for various other elements in this room. The surface used for the floor and countertops is often discussed, but there is no clear consensus in this area. This leaves much of these aspects as matters of taste since each option has benefits and drawbacks. Formica countertops, for example, are very easy to clean and can tolerate being attacked by a good dose of Comet Cleanser as long as the accompanying scrubbing pad isn’t overly harsh. Granite, on the other hand, looks great and seems very solid, but is polished to such a shine that the finish can be easily scratched. Some people have chosen to use concrete for countertops, floors, or both. Like granite, the finish that is applied makes these surfaces more fragile than you might expect.

These are just some of the things to keep in mind when you decide to do kitchen remodeling Canton MI. Talk to a kitchen design firm for more ideas.

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