Taking steps to improve your indoor air quality

by | Apr 8, 2014 | Home & Garden

Everyone knows that the air we breathe outdoors is heavily polluted but often the same people do not stop to think that perhaps the air inside their home is also polluted, in some cases it can actually be worse than the air outdoors. People who are forced to spend a great deal of their time in the home for one reason or another, improving the air quality is of paramount importance.

Those companies that are deeply involved with air quality testing in Massachusetts suggest that any homeowner can take some steps to improve the air quality.

Before you can take remedial action you must identify the major categories of substances that can have a seriously detrimental effect on the air quality in your home:

  • Allergens: Any substance that causes an allergic reaction to a human is considered an allergen. Common allergens are pet hair, pollen, dust mites, mold, mildew and rodents.
  • Irritants: These are substances that are an irritant to the respiratory system but do not elicit an allergic reaction. These substances can be paint, stains, lacquers, tobacco smoke, cleaning chemicals and pesticides.
  • Chemicals: Although dangerous chemicals are not often found in the home, they can have a serious impact if they are. Such dangerous chemicals are radon and carbon dioxide, both of which can be detected when air quality testing in Massachusetts is undertaken.

Do not hesitate to consult with your doctor; they are very knowledgeable when it comes to issues which involve air pollution.

Ventilation: Proper ventilation is key to reducing the build-up of pollution. This doesn’t take much; open your windows, use exhaust fans and window air conditioners.

Tobacco is an especially toxic irritant, so is second hand smoke. To improve the air quality in your home; do not allow smoking indoors.

Rid your home of dust mites: These mites survive from consuming the dead skin that is shed by the residents in the home. To help eliminate this creatures change your bed linen weekly, lower the indoor humidity to 50 percent or lower and do not let pets get on the furniture.

If there is evidence of mold or mildew in your home take immediate corrective action. Mold moves on air currents and the spores can spread it to anywhere where there may be damp areas.

Simply being aware of what is in your home and how it is being used can go a long way to eliminating the threat of pollutants which can be dangerous to some and miserable to all.

If you are serious about the level of pollutants in your home then start with air quality testing in Massachusetts. Contact Synergy One Solutions, Inc. and talk to the experts.

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