Body-Enhancing Procedures That Plastic Surgeons Kalamazoo MI Can Use To Help You Get Your Pre-Baby Body Back

by | Aug 21, 2014 | Surrogacy

Giving birth can be quite a joyous occasion, but many moms are caught off guard when they realize how difficult it can be to get their pre-baby bodies back. However, this doesn’t always have to be a source of frustration for new moms. If you’re struggling with your body after giving birth, consider the following ways that plastic surgery may be of benefit to you:

Tummy Tuck

Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy. While you may expect your body to bounce back from these changes once the baby is born, many moms are surprised to find that the ligaments in their stretched-out abdomens don’t tighten the way that they would like them to after childbirth. In these cases, a tummy tuck may be able to help you look and feel better. At, our Plastic Surgeons Kalamazoo MI can remove fat and skin from the top of your pubic hairline all the way up to your belly button so that your abdominal muscles are tighter.

Breast Augmentation

Breastfeeding can have a significant impact on your breasts. In fact, women have a plethora of complaints about the way that their breasts look after breastfeeding, ranging from a reduction in size to issues with sagging. Instead of allowing these problems to affect how you feel about yourself, you may want to inquire with Plastic Surgeons Kalamazoo MI about a breast augmentation procedure. Breast augmentations can often be done on an outpatient basis, and they allow moms to return to the full, perky breasts they had before the baby was born.


If you’re dealing with love handles or sagging in other areas of your body after giving birth, liposuction may be the ideal option for you. This type of procedure involves removing small deposits of fat from certain areas of your body so that you appear slimmer and more sculpted in your clothing. While liposuction won’t help you lose weight after delivery, it can help you move one step closer toward achieving your ideal body.

When you become a mom, it can be easy to forget about your own needs as you begin focusing on the demands of motherhood. Plastic Surgeon Chicago IL can help you regain confidence in your body and start feeling good again with just a few procedures aimed at sculpting the body you desire.


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