Specialized Storage Facilities in CT Greatly Lower the Chances of Items Getting Damaged While Stored

by | Aug 27, 2014 | Moving Services

Theatrical equipment like sets, props, and costumes can easily be damaged by extreme humidity, temperature swings, jostling, and other such threats. Therefore, storing it requires more than just “adequate” temperature and humidity control. Storage units must be able to offer precise environments that will prevent any climate-related damage. The facilities must also have a good pest control program in place to stop mice and other critters from getting in and chewing up the items.

This level of protection makes specialized Storage Facilities in CT great for residential storage as well as for highly unique items. Homeowners who use regular facilities for long-term storage are often dismayed to find that mice have chewed up their furniture or that humidity has allowed fabric and paper items to mold. By choosing a facility that was originally built for theatrical storage or another unique need, people will find that their residential items are well-protected from these hazards.

For many people, Storage Facilities in Connecticut don’t need to be very elaborate. A garage-like room with basic climate control, a door that locks, and decent facility-wide security is indeed enough to protect most items, so this is the type of facility that’s usually used for residential moving. Even so, there can be exceptions. These exceptions are no problem for Augliera.com, which specializes in moving and storing theatrical equipment.

Even with advanced facilities, there are a few restrictions storage renters need to keep in mind. The first is that these facilities won’t accept items that have the potential for explosions, toxic leaks, or other such hazards. Therefore, they won’t let people store things like lawnmowers, cars, or spare cans of gasoline. Another thing to remember is that good security isn’t the same as impenetrable security. It’s a bad idea to store things like jewelry, fine cutlery, or other items that are highly attractive to thieves.

Getting items to a storage facility can be done in many ways. Some companies, like Anthony Augliera Moving and Storage, offer moving services that can easily make the facility the destination. At other storage facilities, customers must find their own ways of delivering their things to the facility. Which way is best depends on what kind of moving equipment a customer has access to.

For more details visit Augliera.com.

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