What Does poor Plaque Control Truly Lead To?

by | Nov 10, 2014 | Dentistry

Plaque is often looked at as a catch-all term for germs. Truthfully, there is a whole lot more to understanding plaque than knowing how often to brush the teeth and flossing every once in a while (hopefully every day).

The Dentist Katy often sees plaque buildup as the arbiter for more pressing concerns of the mouth. Plaque is like the entranceway to more everlasting ailments, so maintaining this concern early on can help ward off gum disease and other disasters.

The bottom line is that just about everyone has plaque. It is a sticky external film that covers high density areas of the mouth, such as the back lining teeth. Now plaque in itself is not a major concern. It can usually be brushed away or picked at with a nail or, obviously, a tooth pick. Now plaque is filled with bacteria, but is not actually bacteria itself. Plaque is like a thin grimey film of junk, in other words, that contains excess bacteria. When the bacteria is exposed to sugar, it actually releases acids that ultimately break down teeth enamel. This is the hard calcium based substance that lines teeth and gives it its durability against pressure, cracks, and decay. So when the enamel breaks down, the tooth gets weakened. This is where cavities come into play. Cavities are essentially very small areas where the enamel is weakened and plaque is able to bore a hole into the tooth. This can lead to all sorts of major troubles and concerns that include everything from typical tooth decay to the tooth simply falling right out. The root can also be affected. Visit website for more details.

Plaque is a thin little layer that can be removed, but what if it is not cleaned properly? Over time, plaque will harden into tartar. Tartar is very difficult to get off, and is a growing concern towards these more pressing ailments.

Steady brushing is the key to all this. But the fact is that frequent visits to the Dentist Katy is necessary in order to clean areas of plaque buildup properly that have been ignored or not accounted for in typical daily brushing. Visit Texasgentledental.com to get some greater insight about maintaining this ubiquitous bacteria.

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