Emergency Dentist in Mankato, MN: Tips for Making it Through the Holidays

by | Dec 16, 2014 | Dentistry

It never fails, you are eating Thanksgiving dinner with your family, and suddenly someone has a toothache. You are playing football after dinner and someone is hit and chips or breaks a tooth, meaning that you are in dire need of an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN. There are ways that you can prevent these tragedies from happening during the holidays; at least there are ways to prevent the toothache, although not much can be done about the football injuries, unless you wear mouth guards when you play.

Read on below for some tips on how to prevent needing an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN over the holidays.

Make Appointments for Checkups before the Holiday Begins

You need to make appointments to have your family’s teeth checked before the holidays begin. Remember, that your dentist takes the holiday off as well. If there are any cavities, loose teeth, or other types of problems, your dentist can take care of them before the holidays begin, but only if you make the appointment.

Avoid Hard Candy and Gum

One of the most common ways to break or chip a tooth over the holidays is by eating that hard Christmas candy. Another way to end up in trouble is by chewing gum that pulls out a filling. Avoid both of these during the holidays to avoid a trip to the Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN. If you can’t help but eat or chew these items, then try to be careful instead.

Avoid Physical Activities

This one is a little easier said than done of course. You can avoid rough and tumble wrestling with your cousins and refuse to play football with the family, but that isn’t apt to happen. Just make sure that you are careful and make your kids wear mouth guards if at all possible.

These are just a few tips to help you avoid going to the Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN over the Thanksgiving holidays. While some of them might seem a little unrealistic, it’s better to be safe than to spend Thanksgiving Day in the dentist’s chair instead of with the family you love.

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