Know Your Rights As Am Employee With Employment Law Attorneys In Northampton MA

by | Jan 21, 2015 | Law Services

There are laws that protect employees from employers. Some of these laws are state regulated and some of them are federal laws. You don’t have to be part of a union to be covered under these laws. If you’re represented by a union or trying to organize a union, there are various laws that cover you as well. If you feel you have been wrongfully terminated or discriminated against, you need to contact Employment Law Attorneys Northampton MA.

Employment law covers such areas as:

•   Wrongful Termination

•   Wage and Hour Violations

•   Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

•   Sexual Harassment

•   Disability Discrimination

•   Retaliation

•   Age Discrimination and many other things.

You should not feel that it is acceptable to be harassed, retaliated against or discriminated against. If you are disabled by the terms under the Americans with Disabilities Act, your employer cannot take adverse action against you. For example, if you are unable to carry out certain duties due to limitations created by a documented medical condition, they are required to make reasonable accommodations for you. The accommodations are to help you continue to do your job. They cannot terminate you just because you have a disability. If your employer should terminate your employment, you need to immediately call Employment Law Attorneys Northampton MA.

An area of employment law that requires an attorney is wage and hour violations. Employers may refuse to pay you overtime when you’re an hourly employee. This is against the law. You cannot legally work “off the clock” and not be compensated for the time. Some employers will offer individuals a salary position when the position is actually hourly. They may pay you a little bit more money but expect you to work longer than 40 hours a week with no compensation. There are strict guidelines for what positions are hourly and what positions are salary.

If you feel you’ve been treated unfairly by your employer, it is in your best interest to contact an employment lawyer. They can review the circumstances around your case and advise you as to your rights. If you need additional informational on lawyers that handle employment law, check out



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