How to Get the Right Price for Your Tampa Home

by | Feb 13, 2015 | Real Estate

When it’s time to put your home on the market, you want to get the best price you can. Whether you’re using the money to purchase a new property or start a nest egg for retirement, knowing how to get the most for your home is important. The first step is to work with a professional real estate agent in New Tampa who understands the local market and can make recommendations on how to get the most money. Below are some tips to help you maximize your home’s value so you can up the asking price.

Web Appeal Is as Important as Curb Appeal

It used to be that you had to make the outside of your home look enticing to potential buyers so they would want to see the inside. Now you have to make your home look good online for potential buyers to request a showing with their agent. Real estate has gone high tech and most agents offer online listings to all of their clients. Your real estate agent in New Tampa needs to use the most up to date software and understand how to best market homes online. You need great photos and a walk through video that lets buyers browse your home right from their computer.

Showcase Renovations and Additions

Remember that buyers aren’t going to know that your house used to only have two bedrooms or that all of the plumbing was bad and you replaced while renovating all of your bathrooms. Your real estate agent in New Tampa should make potential buyers aware of renovations and additions to the home. Things like a new roof, a newly installed sprinkler system, or the addition of a playroom or extra bedroom are all things that can increase the asking price of a home.

Don’t Overprice Your Home

Some sellers mistakenly believe that if they overprice their home this will lead them to get the price they want. However, many buyers look first at price before even looking at the home and will cross your listing off their list. Market your home at a competitive price. If your home is worth more than the surrounding homes it should have buyers asking why, so make sure a higher priced home is able to prove its worth.

Want to hire a professional real estate agent in New Tampa? Get the right price for Your Tampa home along with real estate services.

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