Filing A Claim Against Your Landlord Through Rental Claims Attorney In Greenfield, MA

by | May 11, 2015 | Attorneys

Massachusetts tenants have the right to file a claim at any time that their landlord fails to fulfill the requirements of the rental agreement. For example, a lease provides the tenant with a place to live for up to one year. As long as the tenant complies with the terms listed in the lease, the landlord cannot evict them. However, there are unethical landlords who don’t play by the rules. When this is the case, how do you protect your rights as a tenant?

The Threat of Eviction

All leases list the legal reasons that a landlord could evict tenants from their property. They include a failure to pay the rent, excessive property damage, and warranting the need to call the authorities due to dangerous behavior. These terms don’t indicate that the landlord could evict a tenant for the purpose of allowing their own family to live in the property. However, this has become a common reason for illegal evictions.

Fulfilling Their Promises

Tenants should contact a Rental Claims Attorney in Greenfield MA if their landlord fails to fulfill their promises. For example, if the landlord promises to add a feature to the property that made you want to rent the property, you may have a claim against them. However, this feature must serve a specific purpose. For example, he or she promised to replace the roof or add security features and didn’t, then you have a claim.

Unsafe Living Conditions

All landlords are required to perform necessary repairs to their rental property. This includes ensuring that the air conditioning unit works properly. If these units are faulty, they could cause leakage into the property. This could present you with an unsafe living environment as mold or mildew is likely to develop. Tenants have a right to file a legal claim against their landlords if they don’t comply with the terms of the lease. They can also file a claim if the landlord breaks the tenant and landlord laws in Massachusetts. To learn more about your rights as a tenant contact Daniel and Fontaine LLC to speak to a Rental Claims Attorney in Greenfield MA.

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