Why You Need The Best Implant Dentists In Ahwatukee

by | Jun 6, 2015 | Dentist

Losing one of your adult teeth is a difficult thing to deal with. The gap in your teeth will cause food to get stuck there and may cause recurring infections. It will also be embarrassing to deal with a missing tooth if it’s one that can be seen when you smile. You will surely feel self-conscious and try to hide your smile while it’s damaged. If you are going through this, then you need to know that there are permanent solutions to your problem. You may have thought that dentures or partial dentures were the only way to make your smile look natural again, but implants are actually the best option available. They complete your smile, look natural, and even act like your normal teeth. You can floss and brush them like you would normally do; you may even forget that you have implants in the future.

If you are looking for Implant Dentists in Ahwatukee, stop by Guaranteed Dental Solutions. This is one of the best Implant Dentists in Ahwatukee because they prescribe medication to help the metal screw bond with your jawbone on the first attempt. It’s common for someone to reject their metal implant the first or second attempt because metal is a foreign object, and your body will naturally try to push it out. However, there are drugs that you can take which will give the implant the best chance of knitting to the bone on the first attempt. It will take about a month for the implant to successfully bond, which is why you want to make sure it gets done correctly the first time. You will be on a limited diet during this time, so it’s always a good idea to get back to normal as quickly as possible.

Dentures are going to make your smile look natural again, but you will not be able to eat everything you would like with them in your mouth. A dental implant is so secure that you can eat an apple after the installation is complete, and the tooth has healed. This is why many people choose implants over dentures; they complete your smile and also function like normal teeth. Take advantage of implant dentists in your area if you are missing a tooth and want to make your smile look natural again. Browse website to get more information.

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