Roof Vents Make Venting Easy For Home

by | Sep 21, 2015 | Solar

Summer is hot. Summer in Sydney is hotter. One problem Sydney homeowners are constantly battling in summertime is the heat that rises to the second floor. The second floor of the house, generally, is where everyone’s bedrooms are. And one thing is for certain, sleeping in a hot, stuffy room is no fun at all and sometimes near impossible. With so much emphasis on using cleaner sources of energy and reducing our carbon footprint, many households are looking for alternatives to running air conditioning and fans all summer. One solution to the problem is creating an exit for this trapped heat to escape. As we all learned as children, heat rises. That is, until it reaches the ceilings of our second-story bedrooms—then it sets up camp and hangs out for a while. Installing roof vents is a simple, efficient and inexpensive way to vent this heat from your house and promote healthy fresh air to circulate throughout your home.

Types Of Roof Vents

A whirlybird is more than just a fun word to say; it’s the top of an incredibly efficient ceiling vent. A whirlybird vent consists of a vent ducted out of a turbine (the whirlybird), which is powered by wind. The whirlybird sits on your roof, working free of charge to help trapped heat escape from your house. If you’re looking for a more powerful ventilation system that is still high efficiency and free to you, think solar powered room ventilation. Here, a solar panel works as the energy source to power a fan within a ventilation duct to ventilate larger rooms such as a garage. A 5-wind precision balanced fan blade made of non-corrosive aluminium works overtime to keep your garage or any other large room or bathroom in your house well ventilated without running up your electricity bill. If you’re not interested in installing a solar panel to power your ventilation, a more tradition 16-watt electric inline fan can do the job. Installation requires an electrician to install a three-pin plug.

Benefits Of Roof Vents

The benefits of a roof vent go much further than helping you sleep at night—although that is a pretty important feature. Allowing heat and moisture to escape a room will help to reduce mould growth and any health issues that may be related to inhaling mould spores. Your rooms will benefit from having more fresh, circulated air; so stale scents and dampness are less of an issue in rooms such as the bathrooms. Roof vents are an inexpensive and energy efficient way to improve your room’s overall comfort level.


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