Three Reasons Why Homeowners Often Need Tree Trimming In Queens County NY

by | Mar 29, 2016 | Tree Services

Trees planted on a person’s property provide shade and they also enhance a homeowner’s property. Sometimes, though, it’s necessary for homeowners to have their trees trimmed by a professional service. To learn why homeowners might need to contact an experienced service that performs tree trimming in Queens County NY area read the information below.

To Prevent Limbs From Falling On The House

Many tall trees have large branches that hang over the roof of a house. If the branches fall on the house they can cause considerable damage to the home. The leaves from these branches fall on the roof and an excessive amount of leaves will clog up the gutters. If the gutters get too full of leaves, the water won’t run out of them properly and the gutters may begin to come loose from the house due to the excessive weight of the water and leaves. A tree trimming service can trim the branches that hang over the roof so the limbs and leaves can’t damage the house.

To Keep Trees From Touching Power Lines

Trees often grow close to power lines and if a limb falls on electric wires it can cause the power to go off and possibly break the electric line. It’s very dangerous when tree branches touch or grow too close to power lines. Homeowners should periodically examine the trees on their property that are close to electric lines. When the limbs begin to get near the lines, homeowners should call a tree trimming service.

To Enhance The Growth Of A Tree

When large species of trees are planted too close together, they crowd each other as they’re growing. Trees can’t reach their full potential if they can’t spread out due to being crowded. When the branches of a tree start to grow too close to another tree, homeowners should contact a service that specializes in Tree Trimming in Queens County NY. Trimming a tree will keep its limbs from growing into another tree and affecting its growth.

If you need professional Tree Trimming services or a free estimate, contact Arnoldo’s Tree Service. Visit the website of this affordable tree service and landscaping company to learn more information about their services.

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