FAQs That A Medical Malpractice Lawyer In Newnan, GA Can Answer

by | Nov 9, 2017 | Lawyer

In Georgia, a doctor is guilty of a medical malpractice when they fail to provide adequate health care for a patient. This standard is enforced through federal laws, and these laws designate rules that doctors must follow when treating any patient despite any prejudices the doctor may have. A Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Newnan GA can provide answers to frequently asked questions about these cases.

Is a Patient and Doctor Relationship Necessary?

Yes, the patient must demonstrate that the doctor established the relationship by choosing to take the case in the first place. The doctor doesn’t have to be the patient’s primary doctor, but the patient must show that the doctor signed their chart accepting the individual as a patient. This relationship indicates that, according to the law, the doctor was required to provide high-quality health care for this patient.

What Happens When Multiple Doctors Provided Care for the Patient?

These circumstances require an investigation, and the hospital board must determine which doctor is guilty of the error. Initially, the first doctor to sign the patient’s chart is considered the patient’s doctor. However, if multiple doctors treated him or her, it is necessary to determine which doctor injured the patient and how the injury occurred.

When are Doctors Liable After Providing Medication?

Doctors can face liabilities for providing the wrong or inferior treatment to a patient when the patient’s condition worsens due to that choice. Doctors are required to provide the most effective medications for the patient to treat the condition appropriately. They must follow the current standards related to the conditions.

Why Should Doctors use the Latest Testing Methods?

A doctor utilizing inferior testing methods that won’t identify a disease at a treatable stage is liable if that patient becomes sicker. The doctors must use updated testing equipment and practices at all times.

In Georgia, doctors must provide the highest standard of care to all patients, and this includes patients who don’t share the same beliefs as the doctor. The doctor cannot provide a reduced standard of care due to their own opinions. Victims of these events can contact a Medical Malpractice Lawyer in Newnan GA by visiting Dsternlieblaw.com today.

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