Three Reasons to Change Air Conditioning Filters in Honolulu

by | Jan 29, 2018 | Air Conditioning

Air conditioning maintenance can help keep the AC running efficiently in your home during warm weather. It will also prolong the life of your system and help keep your energy bills under control. An important task that should be done during routine maintenance is to change the air filter for these reasons.

Improves Efficiency

Changing the air conditioning filters in Honolulu can ensure that your home’s HVAC system runs more efficiently. A dirty filter will reduce the efficiency by preventing the air from flowing normally through the system. If airflow is obstructed, the dirt can transfer from the filter onto the evaporator coils and reduce its heat-absorbing abilities, which could increase the temperature in your home and raise your energy bills as your system works harder to keep your home cool. Click here for more details.

Prevents System Damage

When a filter is clogged with dirt, the air cannot travel from the air conditioner as easily so the system runs the risk of overheating or freezing. Although you will be using about the same amount of energy, the temperature in your home may be noticeably warmer. To avoid this problem, make sure to change the air conditioning filters at least once every three months.

Dirt Will Spread

When filters are clogged, the dirt or dust can end up being spread in the air ducts and throughout your home. You will need to dust more often and dirty air ducts can affect the temperature in your home, which can cause the system to work harder to cool the air. You can have a company such as Air Source Air Conditioning come out to your home to change the filters on a regular basis.

By changing the air conditioning filters at the least once every three months, you can prevent damage to the AC unit and reduce your energy bills.

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