Steel Recycling in Baltimore has a few distinct advantages compared with mining for iron ore and converting the ore to brand new steel. Recycling is significantly less expensive than the process for obtaining and refining metal, which keeps product prices lower. It’s not as hard on the environment in regard to both digging for and extracting ore, and energy usage needed in mining, transport and smelting activities.
Environmental Considerations
Metal extraction risks pollution of water, soil, and air. It’s noisy and the resulting scars on the earth are very noticeable, causing decreases in tourism in these areas. Iron is a nonrenewable resource, and continued mining for this material runs the risk of eventually using up all new ore. Another environmental issue is that metal not brought in for recycling tends to wind up in landfills, which are eyesores in the landscape that continue increasing in size.
The Human Cost of Mining and Smelting
In addition, there are human costs as well in mining and smelting. Mining is recognized as one of the more dangerous occupations, although mining for coal instead of for iron is especially known as a hazardous job. Steel foundries also are known as some of the most dangerous places to work. People who take unwanted metal objects to a facility for steel recycling in Baltimore help reduce the need for new metal.
Metal Magnetism
People usually learn about magnets and metals as children, and this can be interesting when learning about metal recycling too. Carbon steel is magnetic but some stainless steel is not. Iron is magnetic but aluminum is not, except under very strong magnetic fields not encountered in normal everyday life.
Steel Composition
Consumers generally don’t know the precise composition of the metal items they take to a facility such as Mid-Atlantic Metals, but recyclers have to learn about the composition of different products. All steel, even stainless steel, consists primarily of carbon and iron. However, some products include small amounts of other metals such as nickel and chromium. There are different grades of steel that have variations in composition. Get more information on this particular organization at the website.