Local Experts Provide Roof Repair in Appleton When Storms Move Through the Area

by | Sep 7, 2018 | Roofing

One of the issues facing Appleton area homeowners is dealing with damage resulting from serious weather events. Wind and hail frequently cause damage to a home’s roof during the area’s warmer months. During the winter months, ice and snow create issues that must be properly dealt with. Contractors providing Roof Repair in Appleton encourage property owners to contact the experts for help at the first sign of weather-related damage.

First, Evaluate the Damage

Before any repair decisions can be made, the full extent of roof damage must be determined. To be on the safe side, it pays to seek advice from experts who provide Roof Repair in Appleton immediately after any significant weather event. In many cases, no significant issues may have occurred, but it’s still important to evaluate the damage and deal with it before additional issues can develop.

Second, Contact the Insurance Company

Once the extent of any roof damage is determined, homeowners are encouraged to contact their insurance carrier to see if the home’s coverage will pick up part or all of the repair costs. Most policies include some type of deductible, but repair expenses often far exceed the deductible amount. The contractor will generally work with the insurance adjuster to ensure the adjuster is aware of all the roof’s needs and what steps will be necessary to repair that damage.

Third, Be Proactive

Local roofing experts always recommend homeowners be proactive well before damage occurs. That means developing a maintenance strategy that minimizes the potential for serious issues to occur. It also means selecting products designed to deal with the severe weather that’s all too common in the Appleton area. When installing a new roof, for example, discuss using materials that will prevent or deal with ice dams. Quality roofing products today will also withstand far higher winds than older, three-tab shingles.

If you’re currently in need of roof repairs or replacement, contact an expert to discuss your available options. Local experts understand the area’s weather patterns and how the weather will impact specific types of roofing products. Contact us for more information or to schedule an evaluation of your home’s roofing needs.

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