What is SR22 Insurance Waynesboro and Do You Need It?

by | Oct 29, 2013 | Insurance

The minimum Insurance Waynesboro that is required for drivers is liability coverage. However, if you have violated some certain driving laws, you may be required to carry SR22 insurance. This type of insurance is required by most states to get your drivers license back if they have been suspended or revoked. There are several reasons why you may be required to have SR22 insurance.

Some of the most common reasons you may have to obtain SR22 Insurance Waynesboro. For example if your drivers license were revoked as a result of being charged with driving under the influence, driving with a suspended license, getting too many traffic violations in a short period of time or if you were in an accident and did not have liability or full coverage auto insurance at the time of the accident.

SR22 insurance is basically a way to proof to the state that you have the basic minimum of coverage for protection of possible damages or injuries that may occur to someone else as a result of your driving negligence. If you are required by the state to carry a SR22 insurance bond and you allow the policy to lapse, the insurance company is required to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles and you can lose your driving privileges. When you first contact Towe Insurance Service Inc about obtaining an SR22 bond, you will be required to pay a filing fee, which is required for the insurance company to let the Department of Motor Vehicles know that you have active liability coverage. The actual cost of the SR22 bond will vary depending on what your charges are, your driving record and the policy insured by the insurance company.

The length of time which you are required to carry an SR22 insurance bond in many situations may be for as few as six months, however, depending on the situation, you may be required to carry the policy for a longer period of time. To purchase this type of insurance coverage, you have to contact your insurance provider in order for them to file the necessary certificate with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

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