Getting a Divorce in Douglasville, GA: Reasons Why You Need a Divorce Lawyer

by | Nov 26, 2013 | Law Services

A divorce can be defined in one word: stressful. It is stressful for both partners, it is stressful for their families, and it is stressful for their children. Unfortunately, once you get to the point of knowing that you need an attorney that specializes in Divorce in Douglasville, GA there is usually no going back. A professional divorce lawyer is going to be able to help you hammer out the fine details to make the Divorce in Douglasville, GA as free of stress as possible.

Dividing Your Belongings

As a couple you have probably accumulated a lot of stuff. Your house, your car, major electronics, and anything else of value of your home just to name a few things. Chances are pretty good that both you and your soon to be ex would like to get your hands on those possessions. Obviously, you cannot really take everything and neither can they. Your lawyer is going to try to work out an agreement that is fair to everyone.

Child Custody Arrangements

One thing that no parent every wants to experience is a custody battle. However, this is something that usually follows filing for a divorce if you happen to have a child. This is because you cannot really split the child in half. Someone has to be the primary care taker for the child. You have to understand that the divorce is probably fairly traumatic for the child as the world they know is falling apart. You want a divorce lawyer to help you fight for your child. You might check and make sure you are hiring a divorce lawyer that has experience in child custody cases.

Hiring a divorce lawyer is all about getting your fair share. The unfortunate truth is that most divorces do not end on good terms. This means that the chances of you and your soon to be ex sitting down and figuring out the best way to split everything is probably not going to happen. You are going to have to go to court and fight it out with the help of a lawyer if you cannot agree on your own. Visit us at  The Law Offices Of Diane M Sternlieb LLC.


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