A Brief Guide To Using A Surrogate

by | Jan 8, 2015 | Surrogacy

Couples who are facing difficulties in becoming parents should review the processes available to help them. For instance, if the mother has exhausted efforts of utilizing in vitro to accomplish this goal, there is another option. A gestational surrogate makes it possible for both partners to become a parent. The process, while controversial, has been successful and reduced the likelihood of complications.

How is the Process Performed?

Previously, a Surrogate was a woman who was artificially inseminated after a specimen was acquired from the father. However, in these cases, it has caused difficulties due to the fact that the mother who raises the child isn’t the biological parent. Among the issues that these processes have produced is the initiation of parental rights in divorce cases and the probability of the birth mother taking legal action to acquire visitation or custody.

Today, the process is more complex. While a Surrogate is used, the specimens come from the individuals who wish to become parents. the surrogate doesn’t possess any genetic or biological link to the child. This allows parents who faced difficulties due to medical conditions that have affected either parent to become biological parents. In this process, the surrogate carries the child only.

What to Expect

During this process, the doctor presents the couple with guidelines to follow to ensure that the collected specimens are viable. This may require them to follow a strict diet or avoid smoking and other potential risk factors. The doctor schedules an appointment for collection and acquires these specimens for analysis.

The next step is to fertilize the eggs acquired from the mother and start the process. The eggs are implanted into the surrogate parent within a twenty-four-hour period following fertilization. The doctor monitors the implantation to determine whether it was successful.
Surrogacy is a viable option for hopeful parents. However, anyone who wishes to utilize these services should make distinctions in relation to the individual’s health and well-being. For instance, if their previous pregnancies were considered high risk. To learn more about this process and your rights, you should contact the clinic of your choice to schedule a consultation.


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