An Experienced Attorney can Help You Receive Your Disability Benefits in Grand Rapids MI

by | May 6, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firm

Many of us have heard stories about how difficult someone found it to get Social Security Disability Benefits. The system seems very inconsistent, with bureaucrats approving or denying claims on a whim, apparently. One man with late-stage Parkinson’s Disease might be denied again and again while someone else with what appears to be a far less serious problem is approved on the first application.

The Social Security system is not set up to help people who can’t work to get disability. It appears to be set up to deny disability claims. Most claims are denied the first time. When people question why they were denied, they are told to appeal and that if it is approved at some later date, they will receive a retroactive payment. Unfortunately, that doesn’t help pay the bills today. It’s also critical to appeal the rejection within 60 days of receiving the ‘denied’ notice. If there is a second denial (not at all uncommon), a hearing before an administrative law judge must be requested within a further 60 days.

Most people who are denied do not receive a clear, understandable reason for the denial. That makes it very difficult to know what more is needed. Did the doctor not give enough information? Were more doctor’s reports needed? Was something filled out wrong on the form? When most people have reached the stage of testifying before a judge, they have an attorney assisting them. The experience of an attorney who has successfully handled many disability cases can be invaluable.

Bleakley Law Offices has a team of attorneys who are dedicated to fighting to get their clients the disability benefits that they deserve. It’s difficult enough struggling to survive without being able to work without also being forced to deal with bureaucrats who find it easier to say, “No”. The firm has been focused since 1999 on the legal areas of Social Security disability, Workers’ Compensation, personal injury, accidents and dog bites. Fred Bleakley has almost 30 years of experience fighting for the rights of his clients. If you are frustrated by your failure to get the Disability Benefits in Grand Rapids MI that you deserve, call the firm and find out out how these experienced attorneys can help you.

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