Best Sleeping Positions

by | Jul 6, 2017 | Shopping and Fashion

Your sleep is very crucial step to achieving an overall healthy body. You need to get enough shut eye for your organs and brain to function at top performance. In addition to the amount of sleep you get, how you sleep plays an important role as well to your health. Your main sleeping position could significantly affect your day-to-day life and activities. Below are some common sleep positions you can switch to that may be beneficial to your well-being.

Back Sleeping

If you are prone to sleeping on your back, your spine and neck will thank you. In this position, your back is straight, and not forced into any unnatural positions. Your spine is properly supported with the proper mattress as well. Purchasing a Sertapedic mattress in Slidell, LA will help you to achieve this comfort. This is considered one of the more natural sleeping positions to lie in.

Side Sleeping

Sleeping on your side can be beneficial as well. Many studies have shown that sleeping on your left side, where the heart is, will improve blood flow and circulation. In addition, there are no pressure points on the back, should you have any back pain. You are able to curl and stretch as needed throughout the night to find your optimal sleeping style.

Stomach Sleeping

Sleeping on your stomach has considerably less benefits than the other positions, but can still be beneficial to sleep according to your circumstances. Sleeping stomach down can help decrease snoring or labored breathing barring no weight issues. In addition, any gas that is trapped in the body can escape easily as the pressure on your stomach will help to move it out of your system. Take care if you are sleeping in this position, as it can negatively affect your spine and positioning of your lower back.

If you need a Sertapedic mattress in Slidell, LA, contact Mattress Direct. Find them online at website.

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