Calling a Davenport, FL Air Conditioning Repair Company to Change Your AC Filters

by | Feb 28, 2014 | Heating and Air Conditioning

In a place like Davenport, Florida, your air conditioner is going to be a vital part of your comfort whether you’re at home or work. As a homeowner or business owner, the last thing you want to do a shell out large sums of cash to repair your air conditioner. Not only can this be expensive but the time in between can be unbearable with the heat and humidity Florida is known for. That’s why one of the best ways to avoid expensive Davenport, FL Air Conditioning Repair is to be proactive when it comes to your air conditioning system.


There are a number of things that you can do yourself in order to ensure that your air conditioner is running properly. Perhaps the number one thing you can do to make sure your air conditioner works properly is to change the filters regularly, typically anywhere from every two weeks to every month.

The first reason is that a filter catches all the dust particulates floating around in the air and depending on the filter, it can catch a lot of dust particles that cause allergies so that these particles aren’t taken back into the air conditioning system and dispensed throughout the home or business. However, if the filter is full of dust and dirt, there isn’t the proper amount of airflow into the air conditioning system. Without the proper amount of air, the air conditioner will have to work harder and run longer and this can significantly impact your electric bills.

In addition, filters that allow too much dust into the system can clog cooling coils which can reduce the amount of cool air that comes out of your air conditioning vents. This can also cause undue strain on your air conditioning system and cause it to wear out much quicker than what it should.

You may not think a great deal about it, but something as simple as an air conditioning filter can help your air conditioner run better and last longer. Whether you change the filters yourself or call a Davenport, FL Air Conditioning Repair company like Charles M. Watts AC to do it is your choice. Regardless, if you don’t regularly change your air conditioning filters, you should. It will save you money, it will protect your air conditioning system and most importantly, it will keep your home or office cool and comfortable regardless of how hot it gets outside.

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