Charged with Drunk Driving? Call a DWI Lawyer in Carmel, NY

by | Dec 23, 2014 | Law Services

When a person is arrested on a DWI charge for a first time, they may think that it’s no big deal. In their mind, it was an innocent mistake that they drank too much while they watched the game. They also didn’t hit a pedestrian, another car or even a mailbox. Since nothing damaged and no one was hurt, they think the judge will go easy on them. This is not true. They should contact a DWI Lawyer in Carmel NY for help. Any DWI charge can result in a felony conviction. Even if they don’t go to jail, it could have serious lifetime implications. The person will have a criminal record for the rest of their life. This could make it impossible to get certain professional licenses or to be hired by many companies.

The defense attorney will make sure that the police followed the proper procedures. Police are not allowed to pull a driver over because they left a bar after five hours. The police officer must be able to describe in detail what made them think that the person was drunk. Even after they pull over the driver, they have to have probable cause to administer a breathalyzer test. If a person was barely over the limit, it’s possible that they weren’t acting drunk. If the police officer didn’t have probable cause to administer the breathalyzer test, then the results won’t be allowed as evidence at the trial.

People often ask to speak with their DWI Lawyer in Carmel NY before they agree to a breathalyzer test or blood alcohol test. They are shocked to find out that this is the one time the legal system asks them to give evidence against themselves without speaking to a lawyer. If the driver fails the breathalyzer test, the lawyer will carefully review the chain of evidence of the test. If the police did not store it properly, then it can’t be used as evidence. The breathalyzer also has to be maintained properly and the police officer has to be trained how to use it. Improper maintenance and training can lead to inaccurate results. Defendants can Visit the website to learn more about DWI defense strategies.

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