Choosing the paint for the exterior of your home

by | Sep 13, 2016 | Construction and Maintenance

The first line of defense against the elements is the paint on the exterior of your home, furthermore, nothing enhances the curb appeal and potential resale value more than a perfect paint job

San Antonio exterior painting and surface preparation are two things that cannot wait, when you first notice the paint starting to crack, blister and peel it is time to call in the pros. Ignoring these early warning signs will only lead to a more extensive and expensive project in the future.

Available paint options:

There may be thousands of colors but there really are only two types of exterior pain; oil based and water based. Professional painters use both and both have their pros and cons.

Water based latex paint cleans up easy, all it takes is soap and water, once applied it dries fast, has very little odor and due to its inherent flexibility, latex is less likely to crack.

Oil based alkyd paints on the other hand require the use of paint thinner for clean up but professional painters prefer it because it goes on very smoothly and as it dries there are fewer visible brush marks, but mind you, it does take a long time to dry properly.

Price points:

Regardless of what type of paint you choose for your San Antonio exterior painting project, the majority of paint manufacturers provide product in the “good-better-best” categories. As is true with most things, price often equates to quality so buy the best paint you can afford. High quality paints contain a higher percentage of pigment; the result is a richer, thicker, more durable and long lasting exterior finish to your home.

Of course, the professional painter you choose to do the work will know but it never hurts for the homeowner to read the can label. There is lots of information on the label that will help you understand better what the painter is doing and why.

San Antonio exterior painting is something that should be handled by professionals. There is a lot to do to ensure that the paint looks good and will last for a good number of years. You are invited to discuss your exterior painting project with Shaw Company Remodeling.

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