Details You Need To Know About Porcelain Veneer

by | Mar 13, 2015 | Dentist

A Porcelain Veneer improves the look and the health of your teeth. This is because they cover discolored and broken teeth enhancing your smile greatly. Once they have been put in place, your teeth will look whiter, straighter, longer or shorter, fuller or less full, round, square or bold looking. It is made of shells that is treated with intense heat and custom made to suit individual teeth. They do not affect the normal functioning of your teeth neither do they require any special treatment. They are a durable solution to your teeth problems.

The veneers are a great option since they preserve the natural tooth. For them to be fixed, there is no grinding required thus they are non-invasive. They permanently transform your teeth thus you will no longer have to worry on bleaching them often which with time weakens teeth structure and makes them sensitive to temperatures and fruits.

The veneers do not make your teeth sensitive, and they leave them whiter and looking totally natural. However, the dentist handling you should be highly experienced in fixing them. You will get to choose the shade of white that you prefer too. However, the brightest shade and inexperienced dentists will result in an unnatural look.

The traditional veneers require that the tooth be reduced a bit thus they are thicker, therefore, are better at hiding discoloration that the thin veneers. The only negative thing is that the tooth will have to be ground away for them to fit naturally. A slight mistake while grinding might result in severe tooth sensitivity. Therefore, this type is good mainly for patients with buck teeth.

There is also bulky veneers that is too thick and is usually square shaped thus lack the natural tooth shape. Also, they have the habit of collecting too much food near the gum since they are over-contoured; they suddenly emerge from the gum. In addition to that, there is another category called the fake veneers that are too white thus look unnatural. Too much white color interferes with the light translucency through the tooth. Thus the tooth has the chicklets look.

Cosmetic dentistry is more than the general dentistry and requires a lot of training and experience. Therefore, you have to be very careful when choosing the person who will fix the Porcelain Veneer on you. More details on the procedure and where to get the best cosmetic dentists, visit

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