Do You Have Enough Homeowner’s insurance in St. Charles, MO?

by | Feb 12, 2014 | Insurance

Since buying a home is the single largest purchase that many people would make it makes sense to make sure that it is covered by insurance in the event that something unforeseen should happen. Homeowner’s insurance can cover a multitude of mishaps, from the hail that broke a window to the jewelry that was stolen.One of the main reasons you need to have homeowners insurance in St. Charles MO is in case there’s ever a fire in your home. A fire can happen at any time and it can devour and destroy a home in minutes. Even in the event the fire is small and contained quickly, the smoke can cause a lot of damage and make a home inhabitable until the damage is repaired. Having homeowner’s insurance is also valuable to cover your property and items in the event they are stolen or vandalized. If someone were to break in and steal all of your valuables the emotional violation would be bad enough, but it would probably be impossible to replace everything and buy new things out of your pocket. You never want such things to happen, but they can and do, and you want to know that it is all covered just in case.

Damage done to the home can be covered as well, such as broken windows or furniture.Weather related incidents can be covered by your homeowners insurance in St. Charles MO but you will have to make sure that specific things are covered rather than assume. Water or wind damage from a regular storm would most likely be covered if the damage is just from the storm and rain. If the sewers back up into your home as the result of the rain, that may not be covered.The most important thing you need to do is discuss what is and isn’t covered by your policy and make sure you update it to add what you need before anything bad happens. For example, flood insurance is not usually covered by a standard policy and you will need a separate policy that covers damage to your home from floods or water backup.

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