Facts of Dental implants in Long Island

by | Nov 25, 2014 | Dentistry

dental implants in Long Island are artificial roots in the form of precision cylinders made by acceptable materials such as titanium oxide, zirconium oxide, or ceramic. They grow there as a fixed prosthetic and are thus comparable to the natural teeth. After a healing period of a few months, a crown, bridge or removable denture is placed by the dentist. Consult with your dentist to see if implants are right for you.


Advantages of Dental Implants

* The grinding of healthy adjacent teeth is avoided.

* A fixed prosthesis is highly durable, does not slip and therefore grants comfort and quality when chewing and speaking.

* Fixed in bone-fitting dentures with implants are similarly seen as natural teeth, so that the jaw bone is preserved, which means a pathological decline is prevented. This offers functional, aesthetic advantages, because the facial features are retained in the jaw bone.

* The sensation of a foreign body is avoided permanently.

After the procedure

After implantation, you should consider these things:

* You have a limited ability to drive for the first few hours!

* Cool down swelling with cheek pads; no heat!

* Remove bite swab after 30 minutes.

* On the day of surgery, you must consume no coffee, no alcohol and no nicotine.

* No food intake before receiving local anesthesia.

* In the days after liquid you will have a strict diet.

* On the first day do not rinse; the next day rinse with lukewarm water, chamomile tea or hydrogen peroxide – 1 tablespoon of a 3% solution in 1 glass of water.

* Do not use an electric toothbrush or oral irrigator.

* On the third day, gently brush with further intensity.

* Less postoperative bleeding can be stopped by pressure with a cloth. For heavier bleeding, consult the dentist.

* Painkillers can be taken.

* Loads of projecting into the oral cavity pillars must be avoided during the healing phase. Be careful when biting and chewing!

* Avoidance of physical exertion such as sports, bending, lifting (for 2-6 weeks)

An implant restoration requires more than any other measure, the conscientious cooperation of the patient. This includes excellent oral hygiene and the consistent observance of the teeth. Depending on the nature and extent of the procedure, prescribed medications and follow-up appointments are agreed on. In each case, a follow-up will be made after approximately one week. For more information on Dental implants in Long Island, contact your local dentist.

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