How a Divorce Lawyer in Carrollton, GA Can Help Your Family

by | Jun 5, 2015 | Lawyer

Whether you were married for a few years or a few decades, you probably accumulated some assets with your spouse. When you get divorced, you’ll have to decide how you will separate the money, property and retirement accounts you built together while you were married. If you were only together for a short time, you might not have much to divide, and the divorce process might be really easy. However, if you have significant assets, minor children and pension funds, divorce can be quite complex. No matter how much you own, it is important to consult with a divorce lawyer in Carrollton, GA before you sign any documents giving up your rights to marital assets.

Spouses who are certain of what they own as a couple and are willing to agree to divide their property equitably can save a lot of money by filing for an uncontested divorce. However, if you aren’t sure whether your spouse has assets you don’t know about or if your family owns a business, hiring a professional team to make sure all marital assets are uncovered can actually be cost effective. Knowing what you own is the first step in dividing your assets and getting your fair share so you can start your life over. Depending on your employment status during your marriage, you might be entitled to alimony to give you the opportunity to secure gainful employment after your divorce.

Divorce might also be more complicated if you have minor children. Courts prefer that parents work out their own custody arrangements because they know their schedules best. Your divorce lawyer in Carrollton, GA might give you the advice to help you have a discussion with your spouse regarding custody and parenting time. If you are unable to reach an agreement on your own, mediation may be beneficial. Stop by website to find out how a divorce lawyer may help you get an equitable portion of your marital assets as well as resolve custody issues for your minor children. With an experienced legal team on your side, you can expect your rights to be protected as you go through the legal process to end your marriage.

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