Invisalign Dayton: 5 Simple Steps to a Beautiful Smile

by | May 22, 2013 | Dentistry

Do you have crooked teeth? Are you an older teen or adult looking to improve your smile in a more discreet way? Invisalign is a modern dental procedure that straightens teeth without metal brackets and wires. If you are local, there is an invisalign Dayton company that can help you with your smile. All it takes is a few simple steps.

Schedule a consultation with a provider. A local Invisalign doctor will be able to speak with you and answer any questions you have about the procedure and to determine if you would be a good candidate. It is a good idea to meet with a few providers since you will have on-going visits once the process begins.

Obtain 3-D images. Once it’s been confirmed that you would be a good candidate, it’s time for the provider to take x-rays and impressions of your teeth to determine your treatment plan. They will take pictures as well. Each of these things will help them create personalized aligners that you will begin using to straighten your teeth.

Receive and wear aligners. After you receive your aligners, you will begin wearing them as prescribed. You will usually wear the same pair for approximately two weeks before a new pair is ordered for you. Each pair progressively straightens your teeth. You can take them out at anytime to eat or to clean and floss your teeth and you won’t have to worry about food getting stuck in between wires and brackets. The aligners are simple to clean with water as well.

Show off your new smile. After your treatment plan has ceased (about one year for adults or one to two years for teens) and you’ve worn each of your aligners for at least 20-22 hours each day, you should be ready to reveal your brand new smile.

If your teeth have been making you feel self-conscious it’s time to make a change you can feel good about. Invisalign has been proven to straighten teeth as long as you wear your aligners as prescribed. Contact a local invisalign Dayton provider to get started on your new smile.

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