Look for Root Canal Therapy in Ypsilanti, MI by a Specially Trained Endodontist

by | Apr 25, 2017 | Dentist

Hearing that a root canal procedure is required to save a tooth can be alarming. Root canal procedures had once been rumored to be something to dread, but the process is actually painless. A root canal is required for a tooth when the soft tissue, called pulp, under tooth enamel is infected. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. It’s not necessary for adults to have the pulp because it no longer needs to support growing teeth. Surrounding tissue nourishes hard enamel.

Root Canal Therapy in Ypsilanti MI is not a painful, miserable experience. It actually does the opposite. There is pain before root canal treatment with an infected pulp. The procedure is pain-free. Any pain almost immediately goes away after successful root canal therapy in Ypsilanti, MI. The only thing patients need to do is dedicate an hour of their time to the dentist.

Dental emergency care for traumatic oral injuries is tended to by an endodontist or oral surgeon. Any kind of dental injury should be addressed right away. A thorough exam is required to find all injured areas in the mouth. Close inspection of the entire mouth and dentin helps find smaller injuries to teeth and gums near the site of the injury. It’s recommended that an oral injury is looked at by an endodontist. They have special training to treat injuries and other complex oral issues. Fractured teeth can be repaired by reattaching the broken natural part of the tooth or by using a tooth-colored filling. Large fractures need a crown. Injured back teeth need cusps and root canal treatment if the damage extends all the way down to the root. A split tooth may need to be extracted and replaced.

Here are some tips for saving a compromised natural tooth. When a dentist gives a patient a choice for root canal or extraction, a root canal is almost always the best option. Root canals are permanent solutions to tooth preservation. Crowns and dental implants are very durable. However, they still don’t quite have the same strength and protection natural teeth do. When a dentist says endodontic treatment is not an option over extraction, ask for an explanation. It’s always best to see someone who specializes in the respective area of medicine when a serious issue is at hand. Browse our website to learn more.

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