Problems With Your Plumbing? A Plumber In Birmingham AL Can Take Care Of Them For You

by | Nov 3, 2014 | Plumbing and Plumbers

If your home is attached to a septic tank, you may experience problems that will require a plumber. You may not realize this but your septic tank can actually cause several significant plumbing problems if it is not serviced properly. Here are just a couple of the services you might require if your septic tank malfunctions.

Clog Removal

Septic tanks should be pumped out at least once every three to five years. Failure to do so may result in your septic tank becoming too full. Once it becomes overfilled, you may begin to notice a significant increase in the number of clogged drains you experience. A Plumber in Birmingham AL will be able to clear your clogged drains.

Raw Sewage Floods

One of the worst experiences you can have with an overfilled septic tank is the back up of raw sewage. Once your system is overfilled, raw sewage from your home will have no where to go. As a result it will remain in your drains. Eventually, it will back up into your home.

You may notice raw sewage backing up into your bathtubs or you may see it pouring out from around the base of your toilet. Human waste contains bacteria that can be harmful to your health. You’ll need to get this cleaned up as soon as possible.

Once you have your home cleaned up and your septic tank emptied, you’ll need to have your drain pipes professionally cleaned. A Plumber in Birmingham AL will be able to clean out all of the drains in your home. He will also be sure that the clean out drains, which are located outside your home, are properly cleaned as well.

Plumbing Professionals are available to take care of any plumbing issues you might experience. To help prevent clogged drains and raw sewage floods, it’s a good idea to keep your septic tank in proper working order. You should have a plumber come out and clean your drains each time you have your septic tank pumped. This will help ensure that your drains are able to empty properly. Contact your plumber if you have any problems with the plumbing in your home.

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