Hiring a bondsman in Midwest City, Oklahoma can undoubtedly be a fairly complicated process, but if you choose a bail bonds provider that puts their clients first you may find that the bail bond process can be much easier and problem free than you had imagined. The process of hiring a bail bondsman typically begins with a simple phone call, although bail bonds companies like Ken Boyer Bail Bonds also welcome walk in clients. During the phone call, you will just need to relay the name of the person you need to bail out along with any other pertinent information that is available, namely the charge they are facing. If you know which jail they have been taken to this will also be helpful, however it is not necessary since Boyer Bail Bonds offers warrant checks and inmate searches for free in the Midwest City and Oklahoma City areas.
Your bail bondsman will make arrangements with you to meet during the initial contact. Typically, you will be meeting the bail bond agent at the jail where your friend or relative is currently being held. The payment to the bail bondsman will usually occur there at the jail, and this money can be remitted in cash, via check, via debit card, or via credit card.
After you pay the bail bond cost (this generally equates to 10 percent of the set bail amount) and sign the required paperwork, the bail bondsman in Midwest City, Oklahoma will arrange for the release of your friend or relative. The length of time that it actually takes for the person to be released is quite variable. It can be literally minutes, but it can be up to a full day. The amount of time that it takes for your loved one to be released is dependent on the jail system, the current backlog, and the personnel there, rather than upon the bail bondsman. The bail bond company will do everything in their power to speed up this process and have your loved one out from behind bars as soon as possible!
After leaving the jail, it is important to stay updated with the bail bondsman since they have taken responsibility for your upcoming court appearance. This can be as simple as a check in phone call, and your bail bondsman will be happy to answer questions at that time as well.
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