Pumping a Septic Tank in NJ Prevents Many Problems

by | Nov 11, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

First-time homeowners are often surprised they they have a septic system that needs to be maintained. Pumping a Septic Tank in NJ on a regular basis keeps it working properly. People who grew up with public sewers often don’t understand how their septic system works. All of the drains in their house run into their septic tank. In addition to their toilet, this includes the shower, kitchen and bathroom sinks as well as their clothes washer. When the water and wastewater reach the septic tank, bacteria start to digest the waste. Over time the solid waste sinks to the bottom and the liquid rises to the top of the tank.
There is a hole that that lets the liquid waste drain out of the septic tank and into a series of perforated pipes. The pipes are over the leaching field. As the liquid travels through the pipes it disperses into gravel and dirt that will further clean the liquid. It will continue to percolate through the field. If Pumping a Septic Tank in NJ isn’t done on a regular basis then the solid waste will continue to fill the tank. That won’t leave enough room for the liquid waste and the toilets and drains in the house will start to back up. The homeowner may also notice that the leaching field starts to be very wet in certain areas. The solid waste will attempt to flow through the pipes, but will just clog them. So the area where the clog occurs will start to have excess fluids around it.

Pumping a Septic Tank in NJ will relieve the immediate problem of overflowing toilets and clogged drains. But it’s a temporary fix. The pipe system will have to be replaced. Once solid waste has clogged the pipes, there is no way to unclog them. This means that the yard will have to be excavated to replace the pipes. Generally the pipes are two to three feet under the ground.

In order to prevent this failure, homeowners should ask their local contractor how often Pumping a Septic Tank in NJ should be done. The size of the septic tank and the number of people living in the home will affect their answer.

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