Recovering Damages for Unjustified Loss of a Loved One with a Wrongful Death Attorney in Loveland

by | Dec 17, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

When a loved one dies needlessly due to reckless actions of another, grieving family members don’t have to let it go without indemnity. Nothing replaces losing a close family member, but responsible parties can provide whatever necessary payment is required to bring back a sense of normalcy and financial stability. A wrongful death attorney in Loveland assists in forwarding the convoluted paperwork and evidence that comes with a claim.


There are some guidelines to follow when filing for a Wrongful Death lawsuit. These kind of lawsuits are only valid for the children, spouse or parents that were reliant on the decedent in some way. One or more family members and a wrongful death attorney in Loveland should affirm this kind of death has occurred. Doctors or other professionals with expert knowledge can substantiate the details that validate the cause of death. Wrongful Death lawsuits are civil cases, so they may not hold as much weight as a case against someone who deliberately caused death. The fact that it’s a civil case is all the more reason an attorney is relevant.

There are three survivor damage categories for wrongful death claims that distinguish certain facts. Economic damages are the monetary contributions the decedent made for the family or spouse. Facets of economic damages could be the financial support that was provided, funeral and medical expenses, loss of pension plans or medical coverage for surviving family, commodities the decedent would have earned and losing an inheritance from ill-timed passing.

Non-economic is for damages that are not palpable but caused a dramatic turn in one or more of the lives of surviving family members. This could be when survivors suffer extreme heartache or wretchedness after losing their loved one, losing someone who was a life mentor and/or nurturer, loss of a companion or cherished love and break of a covenant that was once there when the deceased was living. Contact Burton and Burton for more information.

Punitive damages penalize the litigant for ill-comportment. This form of damage is void with most government agencies but holds merit in certain situations. Nursing home negligence that resulted in death is an exemplary situation. Nursing home negligence might add up to treble damages. This means the damages triple in total when compared to the standard calculations that warrant punitive damage.

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