Setting Up a New Site: What Basic Office Supplies in Madison, WI are Needed Right Now?

by | Jan 19, 2017 | Office Products

Opening an office after running a new business out of a back bedroom is a heady experience. Along with thinking about details like computer equipment and furnishings, it pays to think about what type of basic Office Supplies in Madison WI will be needed immediately. While some things can wait until everyone is settled in, others must be in place for the office to function. Here are some examples to keep in mind.

Copy Paper

Even with the use of file sharing, email, and other electronic means of communication, there is still the need to print some things out for meetings or to prepare paper copies of invoices. Always make sure copy paper is on that list of basic Office Supplies in Madison WI and ensure there is plenty before the office officially opens. Doing so ensures the employees can get right to work without having to wait for the paper to be delivered.

Printer Cartridges

Cartridges for every printer in the office must be in place. Fresh cartridges should be in those printers, and the supply closet should sport at least one compatible cartridge for each of those devices. If the office functioned with the use of one central printer, it wouldn’t hurt to hold two in reserve.

Note Pads

The ability to quickly write out a note that can be passed down the conference room table during an audio conference or to take a message from a caller who despises voice mail is always helpful. That means having something to write on when those occasions arise. Good, old-fashioned note pads do the job.

Pens and Pencils

Jotting down notes during a phone conversation is still one of the more common tasks associated with office work. Jotting is a lot easier if there is a pen or pencil handy to go with those note pads. Pay close attention to the quality and spend a little more up front. The last thing anyone needs is a pen that won’t write or a pencil lead that breaks every time someone tries to use it.

The expense of opening a new office is significant. Learn more about us and how to prioritize the selection of supplies. Once the office is up and running, there will be time to think about purchasing other supplies that are needed less frequently.

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