Show Off Your Individuality with Custom Designed Jewelry

by | Nov 11, 2014 | Jewelry

custom-gold-diamond-earringsOne of the things we all desire in life is to be recognized as an individual. One size does not fit all and we have no wish to be cookie cutter human beings. From the time we’re in school, and well throughout adulthood, we want the world to see our uniqueness. We do this is through our clothing, hairstyles, our tastes in music, movies, and books, even down to the food we eat; we’re always trying to show the world that there is something special about us.

Another way to display uniqueness is by the jewelry we wear. There are the more outrageous jewelry fashion statements, such as multiple piercings all over the body. But if that isn’t for you, how can you show your individuality in the jewelry department? By choosing custom made jewelry instead of run of the mill department store jewelry that everyone else owns, of course!

custom-gold-diamond-ringsCustom made jewelry allows you to show your style to the world. It also gives you the opportunity to exercise your artistic abilities. If you are half way decent at drawing, you can think up a design and then make it come alive on paper. What an exciting process! You think it up, you draw it, you create it, and then you wear it. No one else will have that piece of jewelry because it all came from you! Now, if you aren’t artistic, but you still have a gorgeous jewelry design in your head, you can probably describe the design fairly accurately to an artist friend or the jeweler.

From there, if you are an artistic soul, you can actually buy the materials and make the jewelry yourself. However, most of us aren’t quite that talented, so the best option is to take the design to the jeweler and have them make it for you. This is such a fun part of the process! You get to pick which metal you want the jewelry to be made out of – popular right now is white gold, but you can also select metals such as sterling silver and platinum, or go back to gold and use a two tone look with white and rose gold for example, talk about unique! Then you pick the stones. Of course, there is the classic diamond, which will add brilliance to your custom piece. There are also the colored stones – the deep blue sapphire, the rich garnet, the royal amethyst. The list is pretty endless. Besides the basics just mentioned, there are also color variations within each stone type. So you might decide you want a yellow sapphire, for example. It’s custom, so the choice is yours! Another fun thing to add to custom jewelry is colored diamonds such as blue, yellow and black. They really add some pop to certain designs.

custom-diamond-braceletsWhen you want to express your unique personality, the possibilities are endless with custom made jewelry.

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