Signs of Hearing Loss and Testing for Hearing Aids

by | Feb 18, 2015 | Nose and Throat

The word Otolaryngologist is not easily interpreted however, if you saw it as Ear Nose and Throat specialist, or ENT, then you might recognize it and think of the physician you visit when you need to determine the cause of your allergies, sinus troubles, or to remove your tonsils. ENT’s can also help with hearing issues and Hearing Aids.

Signs of hearing loss are often subtle. Your family and friends may be aware you have a hearing problem before you are. If you notice that you are frequently asking people to repeat things, blaming your problem on the telephone or television, or think that people are always mumbling you might have a hearing problem. If these situations sound familiar it might be time to schedule a hearing exam, at a place such as Allen Ear Nose & Throat Association, and you might need to get fitted for a hearing aid.

A hearing exam has several components

      *   Verbal -; the physician will ask questions about your hearing history and any recent issues

Visual -; the physician will do a physical examination of your ear

Air and Bone Conduction -; the air tests the softest sound you can hear 50% of the time and the bone test the inner ear’s ability

Speech Testing -; you will hear words at various level to determine the lowest level at which you can understand speech

These tests may sound daunting, but help to determine where the hearing loss is occurring and the type of hearing aid you may need. Depending on the style chosen the physician will make a mold of your ear. The mold and the circuitry specifications are sent to the manufacturer, so each hearing aid is custom made. After it is made the physician will first ensure it fits in your ear, then program it to your requirements, and finally give you another hearing test with the hearing aid.

Hearing Aids will not restore hearing to 100% but they will improve hearing and can prevent further loss. Whether you have questions about your hearing, your allergies, chronic strep throat, or thyroid removal, an ENT can answer your questions.

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