Smart Tips for an Initial Meeting with an Accident Injury Lawyer in Grand Forks, ND

by | May 8, 2017 | Accident Lawyer

Driving a car is a big responsibility. Besides maintaining financial responsibility and adhering to state laws, drivers must cautiously operate their automobiles so an accident does not occur. Unfortunately, not all drivers are attentive while behind the wheel of a vehicle, which can cause a serious wreck. Being in a car accident can result in loss of wages and personal debt. To recover losses from a car accident, it’s beneficial to see an accident injury lawyer in Grand Forks, ND. These suggestions can help an accident victim prepare for an initial meeting.

Before meeting with an accident injury lawyer in Grand Forks, ND, make sure that you obtain a client information packet. This group of documents will ask for basic information including your social security number, driver’s license number, and contact information. It may also request insurance information. It’s helpful to return this packet to the lawyer before the first visit so it can be reviewed by the attorney and office personnel.

Seeing an attorney will give you a chance to present your side of the accident. To help with this, bring your insurance policy and proof of insurance premium payments. A canceled check, receipt, or bank statement provides evidence of an insurance policy that is valid and paid in full. It’s also necessary to give the attorney information exchanged at the scene of the accident. This includes all parties involved in the accident and bystanders who witnessed the accident. Contact information should ideally include addresses and phone numbers.

Have all photos of the wreck ready to show the attorney. When a video is taken of the aftermath of the wreck, provide this to the lawyer as well. Be prepared to tell the lawyer about any communication with your insurance company. Also, relay details of conversations that take place with insurance companies of other parties involved in the wreck.

By implementing these simple tips, it will be easier for the attorney to understand the nature of the wreck. It will also show your willingness to do your part on your case. By being as prepared as possible, an accident victim stands a better chance of being accepted as a client by an attorney. For information on personal injury services, please consult an attorney at Morrow Law Firm.

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