At some point in time, regardless of how careful homeowners are, all carpets suffer from some type of stain. While most stains can be gotten rid of successfully with a bit of elbow grease, there are others that keep coming back, no matter how much or how often they are cleaned. This is true even after a carpet cleaning specialist in Fort Wayne IN has been called. The industry term for this reappearing stain is “wick back.” It is something that can be quite frustrating for those who have invested in professional services. However, the bigger question is, why does it happen? There are a number of reasons a stain wicks back.
In some cases, if the stain has resulted from a spill, then the stain is only going to be cleaned on the top part of the material. However, the remaining half will stay soiled yet hidden. After several days, the capillary quality of the carpet fibers begins to suck the stain back to the surface, which is when it can be seen again.
Another reason the stain may reappear is if the carpet is used too quickly aver services from Carpet Cleaning Specialist in Fort Wayne IN. This can result in the stains moving back to the surface. This is usually the case in commercial buildings since it is difficult to keep people from using carpet that is in an office or some type of retain establishment.
The third most common reason that carpets may continue to show stains after treatment is if the carpet was not cleaned properly. In some cases, the carpet cleaning technician will not fully remove the spot. This typically results in the cleaning agent being removed too quickly after being applied.
However, the fact is, there are still some stains that simply can’t be removed. This is true even if a professional is hired. While modern carpet manufacturers do their very best to make carpets dirt and stain resistant, when it comes down to it, they are still made out of absorbent materials. The very best way to avoid this issue is by using a cleaning method that utilizes a low amount of moisture. More information can also be found by taking some time to contact the staff at Carpet Masters.