Three Solid Reasons to Consider Hiring a Divorce Attorney in Mequon, WI With Collaborative Divorce Experience

by | Jul 27, 2015 | Attorney

Most people get married with the intent to stay that way for a long time to come. For one reason or another, many marriages ultimately don’t last that long. Whether spouses have peaceably agreed to a split or there is hostility between them, no divorce is every easy. However, the method that a couple uses to dissolve the marriage can make the process of divorce much less stressful. While litigation is always an option, there are serious advantages to working with an attorney who encourages couples to consider collaborative divorce. For those who haven’t yet considered it, here’s a brief overview of the advantages that this marriage dissolution method can provide for families:

• Financial Benefits: Litigation is expensive, and the longer it goes on the more that it will cost the divorcing couple. Fortunately, collaborative divorce can help everyone keep their legal expenses low. There will be no worries about court costs and fees, and the fact that collaborative divorces tend to go much more quickly can also cut down on how much it costs to hire a divorce attorney in Mequon, WI as well.

• Emotional Benefits: The simple truth is that divorces are very stressful. This means that it’s better that things are resolved as quickly as possible. Because collaborative divorce allows spouses to choose times and places to hold negotiation meetings, it often moves along much faster than courtroom litigation. In addition, the fact that both parties understand that resolution is the goal in collaborative divorce makes proceedings much more peaceful and less stressful for everyone involved.

• Practical Benefits: Using the collaborative divorce process gives each party much more control over the outcome of the divorce process. Each person is allowed to have a divorce attorney in Mequon, WI present to help ensure that their rights are upheld during each negotiation meetings. In the end, both parties can be sure that they have played an active role in creating an agreement that will work for their family and their new separate lives.

If soon-to-be exes can get along well enough to make it through the collaborative divorce process, they can save a great deal of time, money, and stress. Get in touch with the experienced attorneys at Fraker Law Firm S.C. to learn more about how collaborative divorce can benefit the entire family as they navigate this difficult time. Visit website for more details.

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