Tips for Bed Bug Removal from Electronics

by | Nov 28, 2014 | Pest Control

Bed bugs were once thought to be a thing of the past, but in recent years, they have emerged again with a vengeance. If you have bed bugs, then you need to call in Bed Bug Removal professionals right away to take care of the problem before it spreads. Although it is rare, there are times that an infestation gets so bad that the bed bugs enter the electronics in the home. Electronics are quite expensive, so you don’t want to just toss them in the trash.

Below you will find some tips on how to perform Bed Bug Removal on your electronics to keep from having to throw these expensive items in the trash-can.

Bed Bugs Aren’t Likely to Invade Your Electronics

While it does happen from time to time, you really only see bed bug’s infecting electronics if it is a heavy case. The electronics that are most likely to end up with bed bugs in a severe case are alarm clocks and night stand stereos. Bed bugs don’t seek heat unless they are eating, so they have no desire to stay where it is warm.

Regular Treatment Often Works

If you are following a treatment plan, then your bed bug problem in your electronics should be taken care of as well. They are going to come out to feed as soon as they sense a host, so they will leave the electronics and should travel through the poison at that time.

Treat with a Heater

Some electronics can be treated with a heater, but that is extremely risky as the heat can melt the components, especially when it comes to laptops and PC’s. Your best bet is to either call in a professional or get rid of the items that are infected.

While it is rare for bed bugs to infest electronics, it does happen and there is little that can be done. If tried and true methods do not work for you, call in the professionals, then get rid of the items if that doesn’t work. You need to call in professionals at any sign of bed bug infestations as it is, before they spread to other areas of your home. Click here for more info.

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