Tips on Roofing in Hendersonville To Save Money

by | Sep 3, 2018 | Roofing

According to recent estimates, the cost of new Roofing in Hendersonville can run between $5,000 and $9,000, with the average being $7,000. That’s a lot of money to spend if you don’t need a new roof, but a small investment if it means maintaining the home you love. So, the question becomes, how do home or business owners know for certain if they need a new roof?


Now certainly, if you have half a tree sticking through the living room, you know where the problem is coming from. However, if you’ve discovered a leak in the attic or a drip in the dining room, you may not know exactly where the problem is coming from. It could be shingles that have rotted, but that may only be half the story. By obtaining a professional inspection from an expert on Roofing in Hendersonville, you can know for certain what the problem is and if it can be repaired or if the whole roof would be better off replaced.


For those who have recently bought their home, it’s worth looking into whether or not the roof is under warranty. When the house was purchased, it was probably included in all the paperwork, or you may need to reach out to the people who sold the home to review their roofing/repair paperwork. Furthermore, the inspector hired to take a look at the roof could potentially tell which materials used might still be under warranty.


It’s an age old question and homeowners always want to save money, not spending any more than they have to. However, if the roof is upwards of 20 years old, it would probably make sense to replace it. But, if the natural life of the roof still has 10-15 years on it, talk to the roofing experts about replacement options.

To find the best roofer in the area, look for someone with a long local history. For example at us, you’ll find they’ve been in business for 125 years. If that doesn’t say dependability, nothing does! Give them a call to discuss how they can help your home or commercial property today.

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