Tips to Keep a Brick Fireplace Cleaner in Baltimore MD

by | Jan 17, 2017 | Fireplaces

There is nothing quite as nice as a warm, roaring fire. However, an unpleasant side effect of these fires is the black build-up that can accumulate as time passes. Soot and smoke can billow out and begin to coat the stone and brick around the fireplace. This may result in the firebox, mantle, and every other nearby surface becoming ugly and dingy over time. Many people believe that keeping this area around the fireplace clean is impossible. However, that is simply not the case. While there is the option to hire a brick fireplace cleaner in Baltimore MD, there are some DIY solutions that can be helpful, as well.

Important Fireplace Maintenance

To ensure that a fireplace is safe and efficient to use, it is going to need regular cleaning and care. Creosote, which is a flammable substance, can accumulate in the flue and chimney and may be quite hazardous if it isn’t removed. Take some time to give the fireplace and all the accessories a routine cleaning during the wood-burning season. This can help to reduce the accumulation of creosote tar, ashes, and soot. There are some other tips to help keep a Brick Fireplace Cleaner in Baltimore MD, as well.

Tips for a Clean Fireplace

Some of the specific tips offered to keep a fireplace clean and soot free include:

* Only burn well-dried, seasoned wood. This helps to eliminate the production of creosote, smoke, and soot.

* Inspect the chimney, flue, and firebox a few times a year. Look for creosote blockages and build-up.

* Vacuum the hearth once a week and ensure that the embers have been out for at least 12 hours.

* Don’t use water for drowning a fire unless it is an emergency, since it makes the ashes a nasty paste.

* Don’t use any type of abrasive cleaner in the fireplace. There are some that contain hazardous chemicals that can leave a flammable residue behind.

* When cleaning the fireplace sprinkle damp coffee grounds over the ashes to reduce dust.

Keeping a fireplace clean isn’t impossible, but it does take some time and effort. If a person needs help with this process, they can take some time to contact Complete Chimneys LLC. Being informed is the best way to ensure a fireplace remains working properly and safely.

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