Two Major Ways That Criminal Defense Lawyers in Marietta Can Assist Defendants In Their Case

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Law Services

When a person has been arrested and taken to jail, one of the first thoughts that cross their minds is how they’re going to get themselves out of the mess. Unfortunately, far too many defendants try to go it alone and end up doing even more damage to their case. After the initial shock of the arrest wears off, the first thing a defendant needs to do is contact an attorney. Consider the following ways that Criminal Defense Lawyers in Marietta can help a defendant.

Even when a defendant has been through the criminal justice system before, they often have very little idea about what their rights actually are. Consequently, they cannot tell when their rights are being violated. Because of their desire to get criminals off the street and cases closed quickly, prosecutors will sometimes take advantage of a defendant’s naiveté, using unethical means to gather evidence or force a confession. Having Criminal Defense Lawyers in Marietta present throughout every step of the case can help ensure that these unscrupulous tactics are recognized and thwarted before the defendant ends up jeopardizing their case.

Most defendants want to do everything they can to mitigate their charges and penalties. The one thing that they do have working in their favor is that prosecutors are often looking for a way to quickly obtain a confession. There are some instances in which the better way to meet both of these goals is through signing a plea bargain. However, many defendants are surprised to learn that a prosecutor may not even want to negotiate with them unless they have a lawyer present. Criminal Defense Lawyers in Marietta have keen insight on the law as well as negotiation skills, and they can use both to help the defendant get a far better plea deal. If no acceptable plea deal can be reached, the defense attorney can then assist the defendant in preparing evidence and professional witnesses for trial.

Being charged with a crime would certainly make the list of the most harrowing experiences that a person could ever have. The good news is that a defendant never has to go through this painful and often confusing situation alone. Log on to The Mazloom Law Firm, LLC to learn how to get in touch with a criminal defense attorney who may be able to help defendants navigate the path to true justice and get a far better outcome for their case.

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