Why Flossing Is an Important Part of Dental Care in Columbus WI

by | Jul 21, 2015 | Dentist

No one wants to lose their teeth. Proper dental hygiene, including brushing and flossing, is the number one way people can prevent tooth loss. While many people remember to brush their teeth on a daily basis, too many forget to floss. Good Dental Care Columbus WI starts at home. Understanding why flossing is so vital to a healthy smile may encourage more people to remember to complete this two-minute task at least once a day.

Flossing reaches places where a toothbrush cannot. Brushing is a great way to remove plaque and bacteria from the surface, but the bristles are not able to get close to the gumline where germs like to hide. Floss, however, is capable of removing food particles and tartar buildup from these tricky areas. This prevents cavities from forming. It also reduces bad breath. Be sure to floss between every tooth. Use a piece of floss that is several inches long, rotating to a clean section for each tooth.

In addition to preventing tooth decay, flossing also keeps gum tissue strong and healthy. This tissue is what anchors teeth into place. Healthy gums appear pink and do not bleed easily. Diseased tissue, however, will be red, swollen, and sore. Daily flossing helps gums become stronger. While many people find their mouths bleed when they begin to floss, this will improve over time as their gums become more resilient. Removing bacteria from the gumline reduces the risk of gingivitis, an early form of gum disease. Gingivitis can be very painful, and as it progresses, teeth may become loose or fall out. Even with numerous advancements in Dentistry of Wisconsin, dentists still recommend flossing as the primary way to keep gums healthy.

Good oral hygiene habits should include brushing and flossing every day. Although many people forget to floss, it is an important part of Dental Care Columbus WI. Remembering to floss will keep your smile healthy and strong. Flossing prevents cavities and keeps gum tissue strong. If you are uncertain of the proper way to floss, be sure to ask a dentist during your next routine checkup. Every dentist will agree that flossing is the easiest way to keep teeth where they belong – inside your mouth.

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