Your Attorney in Tyler, TX Will Work Hard for You

by | Jan 17, 2014 | Lawyers and Law Firms

If you have already gone through a divorce and you are struggling when it comes to collecting child support that you have been legally awarded, it may be time to consider hiring an attorney. After all, this is money that you are legally entitled to. You deserve this money to help you to take care of your children. If you don’t have this money, your children will be the ones who have to go without. Set up an appointment with an Attorney in Tyler, TX today. He will invite you into his office and go over everything that you need to know about the process of filing a lawsuit. This way, you will have a better idea as to how things are going to work out.


Healy Law Offices has a reputation for being able to help people just like you. If you are unable to collect your child support money, you need someone who is going to stand up and defend your rights. Someone who isn’t going to back down no matter how discouraging things may get. If it comes down to it, your attorney may even be able to help you with a wage garnishment for your former spouse. Maybe they have already told you that they aren’t going to give you any money. Thankfully, the decision isn’t up to them.

Before you decide how you are going to handle your case, talk with an Attorney in Tyler, TX. This way, you will know for certain that you are doing everything you can possibly do to make things right. Don’t allow your former spouse to take advantage of you. This is money that is legally yours and it is time to collect. Even if you aren’t quite sure of what you are legally entitled to, it doesn’t hurt to talk with an attorney. He will carefully explain everything that you need to know and help you to know what steps you need to take. If it comes down to going to court for your case, you can count on the fact that your attorney will be there to do the talking for you.

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